To complete a set of 32 teeth in adults, the molars, or “wisdom teeth”, usually come in around ages 17-21 following the completion of the incisors, canines, and premolars. The molars are in the very back of your mouth and there are two on top and two on the bottom. Molars are the toughest and widest teeth that grind our food, but they are also the most commonly missing from adult mouths. Each year, millions of wisdom teeth are removed in the United States and the most common reason is impaction, the lack of space to come out from the gum. Other causes of wisdom teeth removal are:
- infection or cavities
- damage to nearby teeth, and
- Lesions
These types of molar issues will cause moderate to severe pain, infection, and swelling; therefore, extractions are recommended to resolve further issues from arising due to keeping the problem teeth in place, any Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery castle pines co offers an array of options and information for patients to consider helping alleviate said complications.
According to a New York Times article, the debate of extracting or not extracting seems to be a concern for many. Some people believe that keeping their wisdom teeth is the best option and finding alternative ways for pain management is safer than going the surgical route, but oral surgeons have long argued that if you don’t have your wisdom teeth removed at a young age, you are postponing the inevitable. Studies have shown that even when pain isn’t present, there may still be a risk for infection or inflammation and keeping the wisdom tooth may have more problems over time than having them removed.
Arguably, there are various options for patients regarding their oral health. If surgery is considered, there are risks, including nerve damage and infection; though minimal, they are to be considered.
As for any surgery, it is best to be prepared pre and post-surgery. It is recommended to have soft foods such as applesauce, soup, gelatin, and pudding ready for consumption for the patient post-surgery. Patient should also have a driver available to drive them to and from the dental facility and to pick up any post-op pain medications from the patient’s pharmacy. Another recommendation for swelling and pain relief is cold compress after 24-72 hours post. If the patient does not have ice readily available, a frozen bag of vegetables would suffice.
Another important factor for wisdom teeth extraction is cost. Tooth extraction can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, so it is important for patients to check their insurance coverage and ensure the dental facility accepts their insurance. If a patient has no insurance or oral complications, and opts out of any surgical extractions, oral cleanliness and periodic X-rays would be effective for optimal tooth maintenance.
Many patients have found great relief with wisdom teeth extractions, and would have had it no other way. Downtime was minimal and their pain has been totally relieved.