The Four Forces of Digital Transformation

The Four Forces of Digital Transformation

It’s become a cliché, but digital transformation is a reality. It’s not just that every company needs to be digitally enabled; it’s increasingly apparent that every company needs to be a technology company. The question is, how do you transform? In this article, we’ll look at the four forces of digital transformation.


Digital transformation is the process of transforming the business and its processes to take advantage of software, automation, and data analytics. It’s a change in the way business is done.

The first force that drives digital transformation is digitization–the ability to create value from data through automation and software. Digitization enables companies to collect information from customers or other sources like sensors or drones, store it as data sets in databases (structured or unstructured), analyze those sets using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques like neural networks or deep learning algorithms (or even just plain old regression analysis), then use what they learn about customers’ needs so they can provide better products/services at lower cost than competitors who don’t have access to this kind of information.


Automation is the use of software to automate tasks. It can be used to reduce costs and increase efficiency, improve quality and accuracy, or improve customer service.

Automation is a force because it helps you achieve your goals faster than manual processes would allow. For example:

  • Automated testing allows you to test more frequently with higher confidence in your results because the tests are automated by computers instead of humans who make mistakes or get tired after performing repetitive tasks repeatedly over time (or both). This reduces risk so that when something breaks in production it gets fixed faster than if there were no automated tests at all!
  • If you have an ecommerce website then automation may be able to help manage inventory levels more efficiently than manually managing each product individually; this could mean less money spent on stock management tools like Shopify Plus’ Smart Lists feature which automatically updates prices depending on demand from customers who visit those products’ pages through search engines such as Google AdWords campaigns advertising “buy now” buttons next them!


Delegation is the process of assigning tasks to other people and letting them do it. Delegation is a core competency of leaders, who must learn how to delegate effectively if they are going to build a high-performing team.

Delegating tasks allows you as a leader to focus on what only you can do–the things that no one else can do but you. It also gives your employees ownership over their work, which increases their engagement and motivation at work.


You now have access to the same information as your peers, and you can collaborate with them in real time. You can also participate in decision making, which will lead to better outcomes for everyone involved.

Digital transformation is possible, but it involves a lot of hard work.

Digital transformation is a long process. It requires a lot of work, planning, patience and money. But it also requires collaboration and communication – two things that can be hard to come by in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Digital transformation is a lot of work, but it’s worth it. The benefits of digital transformation can be seen in many different industries and companies around the world–and they’re not just limited to those who have been at it for years. The four forces are powerful tools that anyone can use to make their business more efficient and profitable in today’s digital age.